Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sounds of Asher

For the past week or so, Asher has been loving it when you play with his lips. Now he makes sounds when you play with his lips. It is hillarious!

The Asher Face

For the past 2 weeks, Asher has been making the "Asher Face" as we like to call it! We finally got a video of him making the face.

1st snowfall

Last night through today was the first snowfall of the season here in Indianola. We were able to get a snowsuit from one of our friends, so we decided to have Asher enjoy the snow with us. Bailey also enjoyed running around in the snow.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I love Cheerios!

Asher has been eating Cheerios now for about 10 days and he absolutely loves them. He has gotten pretty good at picking them up and putting them in his mouth! Here is a video showing him eating his Cheerios.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pics from Thanksgiving

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving.

Asher & Grandpa Rod

Asher & Grandma Helen

Asher & his cousins (Drew, Abby, and Lauren)

Asher & Great Grandpa Norm

Asher & Great Grandma Ginny

Asher & Great Grandpa Norm & Great Grandma Ginny

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! We all had a great day in Fort Dodge!! Asher was wonderful all day! He really enjoyed his time with everyone! I am looking forward to Christmas and the joy that Asher will bring to the season!

Hope you all enjoyed Turkey and Pumpkin Pie!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good to be home

This past week we went to Coralville for a semi-annual meeting for my work. While we were there, Julie had a touch of the flu and I developed a bad head cold and got the flu when we left for home. Asher did pretty good and slept good, but didn't eat the best. When we got home yesterday, I sat on the couch and breathed a sigh of relief! Nothing beats being home!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

crawling around

I was gone for 2 days to our high school retreat and when I came back I was shocked and excited to learn that Asher is crawling all over our house!! In fact he can craw from our entryway to our family room!! He is absolutely crawling everywhere and does not want to stay in one spot for very long. It is very neat to watch him grow up before our eyes! I am just amazed that he went from crawling a couple of feet to the whole house in just 2 days!

As promised, here is a video of him crawling to Julie! Enjoy!

Mighty to Save

This weekend I had the opportunity to go with our high school youth group to Hidden Acres. It was awesome!! God showed me some things that I need to do and need to work on. We also had great worship! One of the songs we sang is quickly becoming one of my favorite worship songs, 'Mighty to Save'. I uploaded the video! Enjoy and worship our God who is Mighty to Save!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Belly Button

Asher received a Veggie Tales CD from his Great Aunt Alice about 2 weeks ago and we were playing it tonight. As we were listening to it, we started laughing at one of the songs. It was the Belly Button song, and it is absolutely hilarious. Enjoy and try not to laugh too hard!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fevers aren't fun

Asher developed a very high fever this past weekend (102 degrees). Wow, was he ever burning up! Since he had this fever (we think it is because he is teething) he didn't sleep very good, didn't eat very good and quite frankly was not happy! I wouldn't either if I had a fever like that. All I have to say is thank you, Lord, for Tylenol! His fever is going down and that makes us glad knowing he is getting better.

Oh by the way, Go Hawkeyes!!! Way to beat Penn State!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

3rd tooth!

Asher now has a 3rd tooth!! It is his left front tooth. It is not completely out yet, but it's out at least halfway. Surprisingly, he has not been fussy while it has been coming in. Way to be tough, Little Man!

Come crawl with me

Asher is starting to crawl!! Yesterday, Julie called me to let me know that he crawled about halfway across our living room. Needless to say she was very excited, as was I. I hope to have a good video of him crawling soon. Well... now it looks like we are going to have to 'Asher proof' our house now!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Standing is so much fun

Asher is learning to stand up using either us or our furniture. He absolutely has a hay day when he stands up! He smiles and laughs and thinks it is the coolest thing! He is also so close to crawling, but would obviously rather stand. Lately, it has been much easier to pull himself up using the furniture (a quick learner!). Here is a video of him using our ottoman to pull himself up. He is such a joy to have around!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Look what I did mommy!

When Julie went in to get him from his afternoon nap today, this is what Asher was doing! Good job, Asher Man! Look at him standing up like a big boy!!

Asher's Dedication

Asher was dedicated at ICC on Sunday. For those of you who don't have child dedications at your church, we believe in dedicating our child to God and having the church come along side of us and pray for Asher that he will someday come to know the Lord Jesus. We pray that someday he will commit his life to Christ and then want to be baptized (believers baptism). We had an opportunity to share a verse during the service and we chose Jeremiah 29:11. We wholeheartedly believe that God is going to do something great in and through Asher.

It was also a great day to hang out with family. Both of our parents came as well as my sister, brother-in-law, their three kids, Julie's brother, Julie's aunt Alice, and her cousins Ben and Emily. It definitely was a house full, but tons of fun!

Here are some pictures of that day and him in front of a DQ Ice Cream Cake (a must for get togethers!!)