Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Asher's Dedication

Asher was dedicated at ICC on Sunday. For those of you who don't have child dedications at your church, we believe in dedicating our child to God and having the church come along side of us and pray for Asher that he will someday come to know the Lord Jesus. We pray that someday he will commit his life to Christ and then want to be baptized (believers baptism). We had an opportunity to share a verse during the service and we chose Jeremiah 29:11. We wholeheartedly believe that God is going to do something great in and through Asher.

It was also a great day to hang out with family. Both of our parents came as well as my sister, brother-in-law, their three kids, Julie's brother, Julie's aunt Alice, and her cousins Ben and Emily. It definitely was a house full, but tons of fun!

Here are some pictures of that day and him in front of a DQ Ice Cream Cake (a must for get togethers!!)

1 comment:

Jon said...

That is one good looking boy!!